Who Has the Fastest Internet Connection in the World?
The story of the internet so far has been one of both ever-faster speeds and ever-higher demand for connectivity.
If you live in the United States, you might think that your Internet connection is pretty fast. After all, you now have access to movies and TV shows on demand, high quality streaming music, and websites that load instantaneously. There is no way we do not have the fastest Internet in the world, right?
That is where you would be wrong. Really, really wrong.
Check out this infographic to find out which countries have the fastest Internet speeds, how the US stacks up, and where you should move if you want the fastest download speeds in the world.
1. Singapore - 193.21 Mbps
2. South Korea 164.12 Mbps
3. Hong Kong 157.64 Mbps
4. Monaco 151.24 Mbps
5. Romania 147.87 Mbps
6. Switzerland 144.34 Mbps
7. France 131.03 Mbps
8. Liechtenstein 130.50 Mbps
9. United States 129.81 Mbps
10. Hungary 128.42 Mbps
11. Sweden 127.88 Mbps
12. Andorra 127.09 Mbps
13. Macau (SAR) 122.94 Mbps
14. Spain 121.84 Mbps
15. Denmark 118.87 Mbps
16. Norway 118.82 Mbps
17. Canada 118.62 Mbps
18. Luxembourg 117.04 Mbps
19. Thailand 111.49 Mbps
20. Netherlands 106.99 Mbps
Emilly Blunt
January 1, 2020 at 3:12 pm
Very interesting topic. Good article!