How to build your personal website?

A personal website is mandatory in today world. Due to global digitalization, everything is almost on online platforms, making it necessary to have a personal website. A personal website can be used in many ways, it can be used as a portfolio or a blog as well as your e-commerce store.

A personal website can be made inside a day but that would not be a good idea because you will forget to add most of the necessary stuff. So, by following this guide you can make a good personal website and get started by following the bandwagon:

Determine your goal:

You should not just start by looking for domains and the name of the website. First, you have to determine the goal of your website, what you want to deliver through your website, you need to figure out the core message of your website. You need to answer questions like who you are trying to address with your website and what does it say to the world?

It is the most important step in making your website as it lays down the foundation of everything. It helps you write or gather the kind of content you want on your website, the information you should include and focus on.

Make a rough structure:

You cannot just build a house by showing up with nails and hammer, you need to make a map first. The same goes for making a website. First, you need to make a rough sketch of your website. This helps in making a plan which helps you achieve most of your goals.

Grab some paper and a pencil and doodle whatever comes to your mind about the website, this is the easiest way to figure out things you want to include on your website. You can draw all the menus and pages you want your website to have like the login page, contact page, etc. Once you have all the content you need, join the pieces together and see how they fit together.

Implement the rough sketch:

After you have made a rough design of your site. You need to start making it into an actual site. Platforms like WordPress, Squarespace, Wix, etc. make it very easy to build a website nowadays.

After selecting your platform make a basic skeleton of your site and resist designing for now because if you get indulged in designing you will miss some basic points you figured in your notes. Add the necessary information on your site first and after it's all done, you can start on designing and make it all colorful and catchy the way you want.

Apply finishing touches:

Before you put your site out to the world, show it to friends and try to gather feedback about how you can make it better. Also, ask yourself if the site is fulfilling the purpose it was made for.

After all the green signals it is now time to host your website to the world. Host your website by using a domain and then put it into your social media to advertise it.